potete aiutarmi??
Messaggio del 15-11-2009 alle ore 21:08:33
Mi sono collegata sul sito www.validator.v3.org per validare delle pagine html.
Purtroppo la validazione non inizia proprio, perchè appena premo sul tasto check:

Sorry! This document can not be checked.
Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because its content type is text/plain, which is not currently supported by this service.
The Content-Type header is sent by your web server (or web browser if you use the file upload interface) and depends on its configuration. Commonly, web servers will have a mapping of filename extensions (such as ".html") to MIME Content-Type values (such as text/html).
That you received this message can mean that your server is not configured correctly, that your file does not have the correct filename extension, or that you are attempting to validate a file type that we do not support yet. In the latter case you should let us know that you need us to support that content type (please include all relevant details, including the URL to the standards document defining the content type) using the instructions on the Feedback Page.

Strano perchè fino ad una settimana fa, la validazione della stessa pagina non mi dava alcun problema.

Messaggio del 16-11-2009 alle ore 00:43:53
metti il link o il contenuto della pagina

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potete aiutarmi??


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